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Vier vluchtelingen die buiten sliepen krijgen opvang

Datum: zaterdag 16 juni 2012

Bron: Actueel Nieuws

16 juni 2012 -

Today the gemeente Vlagtwedde offered shelter to the four refugees who were sleeping outside for 3 nights. Two of them Somalian, one from Eritrea, one from Irak. Half an hour later (±17.30) the offer of shelter was withdrawn by order of the ministry. Then outside the townhall were all this happened, Marianne said to them: "If you give them no shelter I can no longer hold back the 60 others who are ready to come..."  After that, ten minutes later (±17.40), with the help of SP member of Provinciale Staten Ko Vester, they again got the offer of shelter... Maybe only till monday maybe longer...

"Everybody who is put on the street must go to the local government of the place were this happened", says Marianne Bathoorn. "Because the law says they are obliged to give shelter according to the latest news". See for this news the newspaper Trouw from yesterday or


Last night the police destroyed the two tents which they got from the Afghan refugees from the last tentcamp. This Afghans left the evening before the eviction. 


Nasir Ali Omar, Somalië: 06 87 10 95 73 (spreekt Engels).

Jamal Mahmoud Aziz, Irak: 06 8610 44 72 (spreekt Nederlands). 


Oude tentenkamp nieuwtjes zijn te vinden op

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